Humidity and Temperature Sensor for Demanding Climate Control
The EE210 is the ideal sensor for high accuracy measurement of relative humidity and temperature in demanding climate control applications.
With encapsulated measurement electronics inside the sensing probe and E+E proprietary coating protection of the humidity sensor element, EE210 can be employed even in harsh and aggressive environment.
Calculated physical quantities:
- Dew point temperature
- Frost point temperature
- Absolute humidity
- Mixing ratio
- Wet bulb temperature
- Water vapor partial pressure
- Specific enthalpy
Typical Applications
- Agriculture
- Stables, hatchers, incubators
- Greenhouses
- Storage rooms, cooling chambers
- Swimming halls
Key Features
- Wall, duct and remote probe versions
- Voltage and current analogue outputs freely configurable by the user
- BACnet MS/TP or Modbus RTU Interface
- Optional Display
- High accuracy
- Outstanding temperature compensation
- Best protection against condensation and pollution
- Very robust sensing head
- Easy mounting

Technical Data
-15…40 °C >90% RH ±2.3% RH
-40…60 °C ±(1.5+0.015*mv)% RH

Temperature/Humidity Transducers
THD Series
The THD series temperature/humidity transducers have built-in temperature and humidity sensors and are capable of various outputs including DC 4-20 mA, 1-5 VDC, RS485 communication. The temperature sensors have a range of -19.9 to 60.0°C and the humidity sensors have a range of 0.0 to 99.9% RH. The THD series is available in room type, duct mount type, and wall mount types.